FREE Tutorial-Drawing a Cheetah's Eye in Coloured Pencil
Please enjoy this free 50-minute real-time video tutorial on drawing a cheetah's eye in coloured pencil.
Eyes are the life and soul of the animal you are drawing, and the more you practice drawing them, the better. Eyes have a variety of textures to capture, like the shiny surface of the eyeball, the outer moist, dark rim, and the surrounding fur, which are all great practices for pencil application.
I saw this beautiful cheetah in the wild in Botswana when on safari, and although he is partly obscured, this close-up of his eyes is stunning, displaying the characteristic amber colour of their eyes.
Download included - reference photos and material list

Free Polychromos Chart
To Swatch or not to Swatch? That is the question!
An often debated question but I think it's a very
worthwhile exercise and I encourage my students to complete a chart as it has many benefits.
Swatching colours allows you to apply each colour individually and become familiar with its colour and application, laying each down with three pressures of light, medium and heavy which is all great practice.
The finished chart is a great reference for all your future needs.

Free Wildlife/Animal Foundation Colours Checklist
To help you fine-tune your wildlife and animals colours with a helpful list
These colours are a general selection of foundation Polychromos coloured pencils for animals that can be added to or subtracted from, depending on your individual needs and budget. Building the animal colours you need is easy as these pencils can be purchased in singles; there is no need for a full set.
I like to keep it simple for beginners and suggest you stay with one brand of pencils until you are familiar with the colours and their application. Then, you can expand your range of pencils.
Remember, the magic of coloured pencils lies in their ability to mix and blend. This means you can often create a wider range of colours than you might expect with just a few pencils.