Mountain Oyster Club Contemporary Art Show
It is always such a delight to be accepted into an international art show and super special when it's one in the calibre of the Mountain Oyster Club's annual art show in Tucson, Arizona. The director, Alisha Taylor is super organised and runs a fabulous art show.
I am especially proud when the selected artwork is a drawing and once again it is in colour pencil. This medium is slowly but surely getting more recognition as a fine art medium and it is an honour to be able to push it further afield and have it hold it's own in a contemporary art show.
My selected piece for this year is 'Cowgirl Cuddle'. While visiting Wyoming a few years ago, my friend's daughter was competing in a high school rodeo and as I wandered around taking some reference photos, I spotted a cowgirl clutching her new puppy with such love. I secretly wondered if it had taken the place of her horse in her heart as she seemed quite besotted.
'Cowgirl Cuddle', Polychromos on pastelmat, 9" x 12".