The new year is off and running and already I can feel the days zooming by and even with the extended daylight of summer, there still doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day! The year is full of hopes and aspirations and I love the anticipation of where my art will lead me. As I look back over the past year, I am filled with gratitude for the places I have travelled, the events I have attended and the wonderful people I have met through my art. I always set myself goals for the coming year and one of them this year will to produce some tutorials in drawing and painting. I have had many requests for some such learning material so the time has come to put this into action. I am excited about this aspect but also find it somewhat daunting and will have to plan it carefully. My biggest fear is not to make the sessions too long and tedious so that the viewer looses interest or worst still...drifts off to sleep! So here's to a new year and all the fun we're going to have!

'Can't catch me...!'