Do the Pencil Miles!
Spanning over many weeks, working on and off on a large graphite drawing, I am in the final stages of putting in the finishing touches, I...

New Coloured Pencil Drawing Underway
My favourite combination of pencils and paper for coloured pencil drawings are Polychromos and Arches hot-pressed watercolour paper...

When Wildlife Visits the Studio
Drawing inspiration from local wildlife I must admit when I moved to Australia to live, after growing up in East Africa, I was astonished...

Cheap vs Expensive Coloured Pencils?
What’s the difference between Cezanne and Luminance coloured pencils? This question was asked recently and it’s a good question to answer...

Beyond Paper: Coloured Pencil Techniques on Two Surfaces
TWO KEY COURSES ROLLED INTO ONE! As an artist, I understand the importance of constantly expanding our horizons and experimenting with...

How the colour wheel can help with mixing colours using coloured pencils.
Fill in this colour wheel with three primary colours to mix the secondary and tertiary colours

The inspiration behind my latest drawing
The power and beauty of lionesses in the wild were the inspiration for this graphite drawing

Elephant drawn in charcoal
Normally I don't take on commissions for two main reasons; one I have not got the time to devote to them amongst my own artwork and two,...

Concept to Creation - 28 Day Group Coaching Program with Kate Jenvey
Coloured pencil as a medium has so many attributes, they are vibrant, clean and perfect for detail but they do have their challenges such...

How to photograph a drawing on black paper with a smart phone
Usually when we photograph our artwork our tendency is to fill the frame to get the most detail but by doing that you can clearly see in...