More for March
As we roll on into March we decided to keep the Art Challenge going as everyone is enjoying participating. Ross suggested that we use the...

February Art Challenge
I have organised an art challenge, for my workshop participants. for the month of February with the inspiration being "any subject, any...

Horses and wildlife!
Horses and wildlife are the theme for the current exhibition at the Old Post Office Gallery in Seymour where I have been exhibiting for...

End of January- what's next?
As January races to a close we enjoyed many posts and artworks in our Art Challenge month and many thanks to everyone who participated....

January Art Challenge
Back by popular demand is an art challenge for those interested in having a set criteria to focus on some regular artwork. For the month...

'Natural Patterns'
'Natural Patterns' was the inspiration for my last workshop for the year that I held in my studio, with colour pencil as the medium. With...

Mountain Oyster Club Art Show
It's exciting when an opportunity presents itself that helps extend you as an artist. This happened to me in early August when I was...

On Safari in Zimbabwe
Being a child of Africa, I have been truly marked by this beautiful continent and I am drawn back there time and again. I know Africa...

Pencil Shavings
For much of the last few weeks my artwork has been taken up with drawing and as I emptied my pencil sharpner's contents out, I thought it...

Spring is here!
Driving into town yesterday I noticed a Masked Lapwing huddled on the ground in strange pose, her wings fanned out, umbrella like... she...